
  1. Maxine Wore Black 300 DPIMy most recent novel, Maxine Wore Black, was published in October 2014 by Bold Strokes Books/Soliloquy. It is a YA retelling of Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca starring transgender and lesbian protagonists.
  1. My previous novel, Frenemy of The People, won the Bisexual Book Award in the YA category. I can’t believe I won a literary award!11377172_10206780356889041_3016150573907273381_n
  2. Maxine Wore Black received an American Library Association review that said it was “recommended for public libraries.”
  1. I was one of the readers at a really awesome Bold Strokes Books reading at Bureau of General Services-Queer Division (NYC’s most magnificent and only queer bookstore.) Only one person fainted.bsb bgs-qd 2
  2. Frenemy of The People is also a finalist for the Goldie (Golden Crown Literary Society Award) in the YA category.


I could say more, but I think you get the general idea!

Much love,
